
Wait Till Helen Comes Discussion

Start discussing "Wait Till Helen Comes" by Mary Downing Hahn before the official chat by commenting!


Anonymous said...

So did anyone besides Shauna and I read this as a kid? We both read the one with this cover where Heather rocked a mullet and an 80's colorblock sweatshirt. Conversely, Helen wore a lovely white empire-waist dress and had shampoo-commercial hair. Perhaps Helen's superior fashion sense is why I remember rooting for her the first time I read it.

Anonymous said...

I finished the book about a week ago, really, I couldn't put it down. I am looking forward to talking about our favorite scenes, some of the foreshadowing used, and the way Helen lures in her victims.

Anonymous said...

Just finished! I had forgotten how creepy Heather was. It's as delightfully disturbing as I remember :)