
Wait Till Helen Comes Discussion

Start discussing "Wait Till Helen Comes" by Mary Downing Hahn before the official chat by commenting!


"Wait Till Helen Comes" by Mary Downing Hahn
Discussion Date: Tuesday, March 17 at 7:00 PM

Welcome to the Helen Society

Welcome to the new literary group, the Helen Society, where distinguished individuals come to discuss the most important novels of all time--that is, of course, the young adult fiction books we loved as kids and still enjoy today.

The Helen Society was founded in October 2008 when Shauna and Stephanie were having dinner. The conversation turned to how much they loved "Wait Till Helen Comes" by Mary Downing Hahn when they were growing up. They had discussed their love of young adult fiction before, and it suddenly hit them that they should start a book club centered around childhood favorites. And to pay homage to the book that started it all, the club was named the Helen Society.

Here's how it works. One member will choose the book of month. Members can comment on the blog or use the Meebo chat at any time. Once a month an official hour-long discussion will be held in which all members will chat about the book. Whoever picks the book will be in charge of leading the chat, but everyone should bring questions and comments about the book. At the end of the discussion, the next book will be announced.

Our first book will be, of course, "Wait Till Helen Comes" by Mary Downing Hahn. Shauna and Stephanie will lead the first discussion. The second book will be chosen by Shauna, the third by Stephanie, and then we'll rotate which member chooses the book alphabetically (Amber, Ashley, Genell, then Kim.)

And that's the Helen Society! We're looking forward to reliving some of our youth with you.